Amanda's Circus

Poem in Riggwelter 17

My poem ‘this party isn’t free’ is in Issue 17 of Riggwelter, I am proud to say. Many thanks to the marvellous Riggweltarians for picking it. What a great magazine. It is full of gorgeous art, stories and poems.

It’s a peculiar poem, I think I must have been quite annoyed when I wrote it. I imagined a lot of illustrious composers, artists, writers of the past rushing around supermarkets and doing all the busy irritating jobs that I do and eating the horrible food that I eat. I don’t alwats eat horrible food but you get my drift. I cut out a few people in the final version because I could have gone on and on, and I made the food tastier. I have written others in the same vein; one is about Bruno Schulz, my favourite writer, which hasn’t been published. He met such a tragic end, though, and it is difficult to get the tone right.

Since it’s a few months on, I’ll post it here and hope you enjoy it. I only just realised that the poem begins with stones – an obsession of mine. Stones get in everywhere if you’re not careful.

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About writing, trickery and a little music