Amanda's Circus

Archive for March, 2019

Poem in Riggwelter 17

My poem ‘this party isn’t free’ is in Issue 17 of Riggwelter, I am proud to say. Many thanks to the marvellous Riggweltarians for picking it. What a great magazine. It is full of gorgeous art, stories and poems. It’s a peculiar poem, I think I must have been quite annoyed when I wrote it. […]

Poem in Humanagerie

‘The Great Eel of Jazz’, has been included in the fantastic Humanagerie anthology, brilliantly edited by Sarah Doyle and Allen Ashley. The Great Eel actually has a mention in Storgy’s review of the anthology, which is very exciting. Thank you to Emily Harrison who wrote the review. The poem is also mentioned in the London […]

About writing, trickery and a little music