Amanda's Circus

Archive for Blog

March 2013

February turned out to be a particularly good writing month for me and March is becoming rather exciting as well. I have a poem, The Coat, in ‘Barehands Poetry’ and Liars’ League have accepted my story, The Glorious Dolores for performance on March 12th. The Coat is my first published poem. I don’t think of […]

Carve Editing

I had an email from Carve Magazine a few days ago to advertise their new editing service. I have only once given hard cash to have a story edited and it had a good outcome, a few useful suggestions anyway, I parted with £20 that time. Carve are charging 45 dollars and within 10 working […]

Ghent is Great

I took the Eurostar from St Pancras to Ghent last week. I know some people might think me a bit crazy. We did it because my daughter and I wanted to go to a concert performed by amazing Dutch bassoonist, Bram van Sambeek, and the Navarra String Quartet. An excellent reason to go anywhere, I’m sure you’ll agree. The journey itself […]

About writing, trickery and a little music