Amanda's Circus

Archive for August, 2013

I’ve been reading The Return of the Native

Sexual politics, revenge, thwarted love, beautiful women, a deeply flawed heroine, illicit sex, a diamond merchant, angry teenagers, ‘The Return of the Native’ has all the makings of a fabulous American soap opera. It first appeared as a serial in the sensationalist magazine, ‘Belgravia’, in 1878. Hardy had difficulty finding a publisher for the novel […]

New Music Books

Thank you for dropping by and casting your beadies over our new music books but I am fairly certain you will prefer the music website, Wild Music Publications, where there’s much more information and it’s kept up to date. Most of these music books are also available arranged especially for clarinet, recorder, oboe, saxophone and bassoon – […]

Conn Pre-War Sax goes live

.Cent is a classy-looking online magazine, and my story is live now at The artwork, pasted below, is by Tamara Venn! I wrote the story especially for their ‘Fusion’ themed issue. One thing leads to another, and as a result of my Liars’ League story, I was asked to submit one for .Cent. There were no […]

About writing, trickery and a little music