Amanda's Circus

Archive for July, 2015

The Harp, the Thorn Tree, and a Guitar

  Names are tricky, aren’t they. In my house there’s a guitar named Sadie, as is the character in my story. When Elaine Chiew asked me about ‘The Harp and the Thorn Tree’, in Unthology 7, I thought of lots of other things but not about the character’s name. When someone asks you questions, it […]

Story in Unthology 7, the Venice Biennale and Norwich.

My story, ‘The Harp and the Thorn Tree’, has been published in Unthology 7 along with the work of a dozen other writers. It’s a brilliantly diverse collection of stories that confronts contemporary life and provokes a dialogue. I’ve been thinking about contemporary fiction, contemporary music and contemporary art. Take contemporary classical music for example. […]

About writing, trickery and a little music